Take Good Care Of Your Feet If You Have Diabetes

Diabetes may be an issue with how your body handles sugar and insulin, but it's not just that. It is also the cause of a lot of other problems. For people with diabetes, the most common associated problem is foot health. Several problems can happen to the feet of a person with diabetes, and the issues can even lead to amputation, so you must take good care of your feet after you have been diagnosed. [Read More]

Plantar Fasciitis: Some Causes And Treatments

Plantar fasciitis is a foot condition that can cause a lot of pain along the bottom of your foot. Many people find they experience the majority of the pain in the heel area. This condition can be caused by many things. Here is information on some common causes, as well as some treatment options:  What is plantar fasciitis? You have a band of tissue that runs the length of your foot along the bottom of the foot. [Read More]

When to See a Podiatrist About Your Ingrown Toenails? Three Times It's Necessary

Ingrown toenails can be very painful. The nail grows into the skin surrounding the toenail and has to be removed before it grows too deeply into the skin. You may feel the pain from the ingrown nails with every step you take, and wearing some shoes may make them feel even more painful if they squish your toes at all. Ingrown toenails are usually caused by wearing the wrong type of shoe for your feet, or they can be caused by trimming your nails improperly - at an angle, rather than straight. [Read More]

Who Needs Custom Orthotics?

Feet are an easily overlooked part of the human body, but they are actually very important. Your feet provide you with a stable base so you can stand, walk, and run with ease. However, you must take care of your feet so your feet can take care of you. Wearing healthy shoes can ease foot pain and prevent foot problems from developing. Custom orthotics can make almost any shoe healthier for your feet. [Read More]